If you are reading this, I assume it is because you are contemplating having Cyril with RCM Cad Design and Drafting design your new home. Possibly it would be helpful in making up your mind if you were aware of the experience I had working with Cyril.

I began working with Cyril in March of this year after completing a lengthy search for the log company I wanted to build my vacation home. Cyril was patient, helpful, full of excellent suggestions and a pleasure to work with. On every occasion he followed through with his promises and even went out of his way to help me with more than his job entailed. He’s helped me locate suppliers for the materials I needed to complete my home and frequently offered ideas to help me reduce the cost of my home without sacrificing the look I wanted. While I suppose there is no way to tackle a project of this magnitude without a few missteps, they were truly minor and few in nature and on the rare occasions they did occur, Cyril never made excuses or passed the buck. He simply went about resolving the problem fairly and promptly.

He always returned my calls and I never called when he wasn’t in a good mood and a pleasure to speak with. I don’t know what else you could ask for, but if you still have a concern I could help you with, feel free to drop me a letter and I’ll be happy to try to answer your concerns.