Dear Cyril, We received your roof plans for our home. As always, your work is superbly crafted and on time. Thank you for such a professional product.

Along those lines, I have to tell you that I was pouring over our house plans today, coloring in flooring, thinking about final lighting, and basically dreaming about what a wonderful home this is going to be. Contemplating the details of our home, it struck me as to what a fine job you did for us. There is hidden creativity everywhere. The architectural interest that you have designed into this home is simple but at the same time nothing short of majestic. The ridge poles, purlins and trusses you integrated into our ceilings alone will give each room the feeling that the ceiling is floating in air. From the outside the home is so balanced, so symmetrical, that it will appear to have grown there. We can’t wait to move in.

Cyril, I have learned through this process that designing and building a log home is not a simple thing. There are structural and mechanical problems that the solid wall of the log home presents that other types of construction do not encounter. You found simple but astute solutions for plumbing problems, window placement, and roof lines that those who tour our home will never see or truly appreciate. I guess that is the hallmark of a great design.

When choosing a log package provider and designer, we were bombarded with offers. Everybody we talked to had the best logs, the best construction, the best designers. We probably visited 20 homes, either finished or under construction. At one time we must have had 200 pounds of brochures and floor plans! I kid you not, it was almost overwhelming. You have made the process easy, enjoyable, rewarding and FUN!

This will be the last house we ever build. When you build something for the rest of your life, it had better be strong and special. This house will be strongly special.

Thanks for everything.